We hope you find what you’re looking for, but if not, you can reach us personally via email or phone.

Some old-fashioned things are still cool in our book.

  • Watch this video for a video tutorial or follow these easy steps.

    1. Download your file from the publisher as a PDF onto your computer's hard drive. We recommend ordering on your desktop (vs. mobile) if at all possible.

    2. Go to “Online Printshop” and select your book. Always use the complete page count of your PDF when selecting the page ranges. “Add to cart”

    3. Complete the publisher AND title information as detailed as possible so we use the correct file. (Or copy/paste the file name!)

    4. If combining more than one file into a single book, list the file names in the “special notes” in the order that you want them to be bound. You can also share your preference of spine colors or any other notes.

    5. Upload a single file or an entire folder to our Dropbox. (Hint: you can create all your PDFs into a single folder and only upload it once). EXIT this window to return to our website.

    6. Complete your checkout. We use your phone number and/or email to follow up with any questions via phone and/or email.

  • We specialize in products designed for homeschool but we are happy to print any PDF if our product suits your purposes.

    We also have lamination and cutting services. Please email us your file and specifications for a custom quote.

  • We do offer lamination, cutting and custom jobs. Please email us with your file, specifications and we will provide you a custom quote. Once approved, we will email you a Paypal invoice that will act as your official “order form” so please ensure all details are approved on the invoice as written.

  • Our philosophy is to spend our “advertising budget” on generous discounts that directly keep money in our customer’s pockets.

    Our two biggest planned sales are the Early Bird Summer Sale in and the Black Friday Sale. We often like to gift our email subscribers with early access.

    On an ongoing basis, we provide 10% discounts for:

    1. Missionary and Military families. CODE “M&M10”. Please email validation.

    2. When you are purchasing at least one product published by one of our partners and using their unique code in the same cart.

  • Lets face it. Asking for reviews is awkward. And yet, it is essential for small companies to thrive and continue to provide quality service. Word of mouth recommendations, social media reviews (tag us @humbleheartpress), and Google reviews are all like Christmas-come-early. We treasure each and every one, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to support us! Or, please allow us the opportunity to earn your five star review by emailing us. Your feedback is valuable and always appreciated!

  • In general, we have found that it works well for us to choose the color of tape spines and leatherette back covers after we’ve printed the product; sometimes how we expect it to look and how it actually looks are different once printed!

    That said, we are happy to honor your preferences that you may have in the “special notes” section.

    We have a preset pallet of 15 tape colors to choose from for Basic Tape books:

    We choose a color from the front page in photoshop for Custom Spine Tape Books, or can send a RGB or CMYK code in the “special notes.”

  • Always use the complete page count that your document reader says. Do not cut your page count in half for double-sided printing. Our algorithm will account for that.

    (Some nerdy printer lingo is that a “page” is an impression on a single side of paper, so a double-sided “sheet” is still two “pages.”)

  • We have designed a program to partner with publishers of digital products. We know your plate is full so we have carefully considered how we can make it as easy and beneficial as possible. For starters, we will send you a sample of your curriculum completely free of charge, no strings attached. Email to inquire.

  • I, Jamie, am passionate about building strong homeschool communities so I’ve created a couple online spaces with that vision in mind.

    Instagram is where we highlight Humble Heart Press, great homeschool curriculum, and sprinkle bits of our personal life too. Follow along @humbleheartpress!

    Homeschool Unburdened is my private Facebook community where I show up raw and real about all things faith, homeschool and life, while also supporting free discourse. If you like Jesus, Charlotte Mason, curriculum and homeschool tips, consider yourself warmly invited.

  • If we receive your request before we have begun printing your order, we will cancel your order and issue a full refund.

    If we are in process of your order, we will cancel your order and submit a refund less current incurred costs, from the point in time we are made aware of your request.

    If your order is missing an item, we will fulfill the order and ship it to you at our earliest convenience at no additional shipping cost.

    If your order includes an item that you did not order, please advise us right away.

    If you are not satisfied with your order or have a quality concern, we would appreciate the opportunity to make it right.

    All fulfillment requests must be submitted via email humbleheartpress@gmail.com or call/text to (925) 286-2257.